30 Second Spa Ozone Detection Ozone Kit, Ultra Pure

Sku: 1008069

30 Second Ozone Detection Test Kit
In just a few easy steps, the spa owner will know if the ozone generator is working. If the ozone generator is producing sufficient levels of ozone, it will bleach the blue indicator material inside the glass tube to white. If the blue indicator material stays blue during the test, that means the ozone generator is not producing enough ozone. It is recommended to test your ozonator every 6 to 9 months.


Before we get started, lets identify the tools you will need.

Tools you will need:
1. Pliers
2. Scissors or a knife
3. Phillips head screwdriver
4. Gloves
5. Safety glasses


Step 1. Disconnect power from the spa.
Step 2. Remove the equipment compartment door.
Step 3. Put on your gloves and safety glasses.
Step 4. Open the spa ozone detection kit and read the directions carefully.
Step 5. With your pliers, break approximately 1/4” off each end of the glass tube. Be careful not to break too much. Just break the tip off so that ozone can flow through the test tube.
Step 6. Cut the small clear ¼” tubing in half with your scissors and place both pieces over each end of the glass tube.
Step 7. Disconnect the ozone tube from the ozonator. Notice the yellow flow arrow on the glass tube. Make sure the flow arrow is pointed away from the ozonator when you do the test.
Step 8. Push one end of the clear tubing into the ozone tube. Push the other end of the clear tubing into the larger blue tubing from the test kit. Connect the larger blue tubing to the ozonator.
Step 9. Reconnect power to the spa.
Step 10. Watch the blue media in the glass tube and count for 30 seconds. If the blue does not change to white, it means your ozonator is bad. In this video, we have a bad ozonator. If the color changes from blue to white, it means your ozonator is producing ozone.


It is recommended to test your ozonator every 6 to 9 months.

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30 Second Spa Ozone Detection Ozone Kit PDF Instructions

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