SpaGuard Hot Tub Anti-Foam, 16oz

Sku: 42646BIO

Hot Tub Anti-Foam Concentrate

Quickly eliminates any surface foam caused by undesirable compounds and detergents
For use with all sanitizer types
For use in all spas and hot tubs


SPAGUARD HOT TUB ANTI FOAM quickly eliminates and prevents foaming in spas, hot tubs and swimming pools.

MEASUREMENT AND DOSING: Use all level measurements. 1/2 fluid ounce per 600 gallons, 1 teaspoon per 200 gallons.


  1. Add 1/2 fl oz of SPAGUARD ANTI-FOAM per 600 gallons of water or 1 teaspoon per 200 gallons.
  2. Pour directly into water with pump running.
  3. The amount of SPAGUARD ANTI FOAM required depends on the nature and quantity of foam present.
  4. If foaming persists repeat this dose as needed to control foaming.

NOTE: Soaps or detergents may cause excessive foaming requiring large quantities of this product.

Reference Numbers: R0808 42646BIO L42646BIOV1

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