What’s Included: Volute, volute cover, volute o-ring, volute stainless steel screws, wear ring, impeller, and the shaft seal.
Description: This is the AFTER-MARKET “wet end” for the 1.5HP, 48Frame, FMHP series pump (side discharge). The intake and discharge measure 1-1/2″. This “wet end” will attach to your existing motor. Your jet pump is comprised of two main components: the electric motor and the “wet end”. In some cases, this entire “wet end kit” is needed. Perfect remedy if your “wet end” has cracked since neither the volute (attaches to the motor) or the volute cover (front of the pump) are available individually from the manufacturer.
Installation: All “wet end kits” come pre-assembled from the factory. To install this kit you’ll disassemble it then re-assemble it one piece at a time onto your existing pump motor. Typical assembly time is two hours for the non-service tech. After connecting the pump unions (compression fittings) the pump may not align with the holes that anchor the pump to the floor of the equipment compartment. You may need to re-anchor using no longer than 1″ lag bolts. When pre-drilling for those bolts, do not pre-drill more than 1/4″ into the floor of the equipment compartment or you may drill into plumbing lines.
Wet end will work the following pump models: 72584; 02115000-1010 |
Wet End | Impeller | Shaft Seal | Wear Ring |
WE-72584* | 70273** | 71447-BYP | 70220 |
*Stamped on volute: 92770501A. Stamped on suction cover: 9123130.
**70273 Dots: yellow (use 70220 wear ring)
If you can’t determine the dots on your impeller, buy the entire wet-end kit. The installation time is about the same.
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