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Testing Hot Tub Voltage in a Pre-1997 Hot Spring Spa

test hot tub voltage

Welcome to Backyardplus! In this post, we show you how to test the hot tub voltage (circulation pump, heater, jet pump, and spa light voltage) in a pre-1997 Hot Spring Spa. Before we get started, let’s go over the tools you will need.

Tools You Will Need:

  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Multimeter

Step 1. Disconnect the control panel from the control box and remove the control box from the spa.

Step 1. Remove the panel and box-

Step 2. Turn the temperature and spa light controls clockwise to the maximum setting.

Step 2. Turn temp and light to max-

Step 3. Tape a magnet to the equipment door sensor.

Step 3. Tape a magnet-

Step 4. Turn the control box upside down, loosen the four screws and remove the back cover.

Step 4. Remove the back cover-

Step 5. Connect power to the control box.

Step 5. Connect the power 120 volt-

Step 6. Test the incoming voltage. Set your multimeter to at least 200 ACV or VAC. Wait for the screen to read 0.00 then place one lead on the incoming black wire and the other lead on the incoming white wire. Your meter should read approximately 115 volts. If there is no voltage reading, make sure the breaker is on and you have a good battery in your multimeter.

Step 6. Test the incoming power-

Step 7. Test the circulation pump voltage. Place one lead in the center of the receptacle and the other lead where the flat blade goes. Your meter should read approximately 115 volts.

Step 7. Circ pump voltage-

Step 8. Test the heater voltage. Place one lead in the center of the receptacle and the other lead where the flat blade goes. Your meter should read approximately 115 volts.

Step 8. heater voltage-

Step 9. Test the jet pump voltage. Press the Jets or Clean Up Cycle button on the front of the control box. Place one lead in the center of the receptacle and the other lead in the upper left hole. Your meter should read approximately 115 volts.

Step 9. Jet pump voltage-
Step 9.1 Jet pump-

Step 10. Test the spa light voltage. Place one lead on the black wire and the other lead on the white wire. Your meter should read approximately 115 volts.

Step 10. Spa light voltage-
Step 10.1 Spa light voltage-

Watch The Video Here! “Testing Hot Tub Voltage in a Pre-1997 Hot Spring Spa”

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